Adopt a Clinic South Pacific
Madakacho Clinic
Adopting churches are - Tamworth and Gunnedah NSW.
This clinic is located in the region of West Tasimauri on the weather coast of Guadacanal island in the Solomon Islands. Supporting villages are Navera and Veramaogho. The first clinic was built by a Fly'n' build team around 1996. A volunteer team from Tamworth and Gunnedah churches completed the upgrade in 2010.
Since 2010 nine fly and build trips were lead by David Aitcheson to extend and maintain the clinic. In November 2019 the team added a 3 bed post natal ward with bathroom facilities. The facilities now include two permanent nurse cottages, clinic boat, nurse & visitor toilet facilities, storage shed and a local style cook house.
Following the 2019 trip an asset management plan has been detailed including a condition assessment, forecast budget and a 5 year maintenance plan